Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008
Congratulations WHOREHOUSE cast!

Miss Mona: Laura-Nelle Parnell
Jewel: Jillian Varner
Doatsey Mae: Amy Hoffner
Angel: Marielle Kissick
Shy: Maddison Harris
Linda Lou: Brittany Patterson
Dawn: Pamela Nichols
Ginger: Alyssa Johnson
Durla: Rachel McIntyre
Beatrice: Brittany Hlaverstadt
Taddy Jo: Annie Babcock
Ruby Rae: Tenia Miller
Eloise: Sarah Wood
Ed Earl Dodd: Steven Deutsch
Governor: Bob Chapman
Melvin P. Thorpe: Rob Steinberg
Mayor Rufus Poindexter: Zac Schnel
Edsel Mackey: George Kaiser
C.J. Scruggs: Rachmiel Moss
Senator Wingwoah: Jesse Triplett
Melvin Thorpe singers, Chiors, Angelettes, cowboys, reporters, Dogettes, Townspeople, etc. (to be assigned Monday night).
Casey Watkins
Caroline Seabrook
Ella Brooks
Betsy Newsome
Olga Ryzhikova
Peggy Cervantes
Matt Gromlich
David Hook
Alex Donne
Parker Gray
Jake Hamilton
Nathan Sandlin
Kelvin Carter
What a week!
On Monday, the Cates Crawl brought out the best of Cates Ave. University Theatre, the Craft Center and ARTS NC State all made an appearance to help get student involved on campus.
There were many other organizations represented and I was excited that Da Chen (the author of this summers freshman reading, Sounds of the RIver) made an appearance since I read the book too! Da Chen meeting students.
The arts had a pretty good turn out and the dolls definitely generated some interest, especially from our Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Tom Stafford... Dr. Tom Stafford.
Tuesday, University Theatre and the Craft Center held an Open House for students (at this point I had forgotten all about the camera; sorry, no pictures! I'll work on that...)
We had a decent group of students show for food and mingling. It was great to see most of them show up later in the evening for our audition workshop for The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (our office still struggles to figure out the best way to abbreviate this show title. I am choosing to just write it all out). The students learned a few song selections from the show to prepare them for the auditions over the next couple of days.
We also had a good number of new and veteran students audition for the show (cast list will hopefully be posted later on today... keep an eye out). I'm excited to see this show come alive!
On that note, don't forget that in only 3 short weeks (September 15 & 16) we have auditions for Christmas Belles, so if you're not in (oh what the heck...) Whorehouse, start preparing for the next show. Christmas Belles is written by the same author of Dearly Departed, which was a complete hit on campus (and the rest of the community that put it on) last year, so you don't want to miss being a part of this one either! Our Christmas Belles logo - 919.515.1100 for tickets. They went like hot cakes last year, so get 'em while you can!
That's it for this week, but who knows what will come in the following weeks. Stay with me to find out!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Broken Legs
We look forward to working with the new cast and starting the new year off with this fun musical!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Busy, busy, busy!
Yesterday a large group of students from the Arts Village attended the musical Personals at the Kennedy Theatre. Afterward, there was a short talk-back session with the actors, director and even a couple of Tony winners in the audience. Overall, the students had a good time and the show was a success!
The Arts Village is a group of about 120 students housed in Turlington residence hall who are involved in or appreciate the arts. They attend several performance and exhibits, as well as take arts classes, to fulfill hours for academic credit. I encourage any students who are interested in the arts to check this out! It is a great way to be exposed to the arts on and off campus as well as begin to build a community of artists (and make the arts a priority!!) on NCSU's campus. The arts supporters on campus look forward to watching the Arts Village grow in the future.
University Theatre continues to get ready for its abbreviated season as the Frank Thompson building wraps up its renovation. We're also taking part in all of the fun activities going on to welcome students to the campus and encourage them to get involved! Today we will be lining Cates Avenue for the Cates Crawl and tomorrow we have the University Theatre/Craft Center open house to introduce students to our rehearsal space and craft studios.
I'll post pictures of these events this week!