Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Never the Sinner perusal scripts

Perusal scripts for Never the Sinner will be available in the University Theatre offices November 3, 2008. Please be prepared to read them in the office or the lobby of Talley Student Center. The University Theatre offices are on the first floor of Talley, room 1202A.

Auditions will be December 1 & 2 at 7pm in Stewart Theatre.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Christmas Belles and other news

It has been a while since I have posted. This blogging thing takes up more time than I thought! University Theatre is well under way with their Christmas Belles rehearsals and it should be quite a rollicking good time. Don't forget that we will be having a cookie and punch reception at intermission for each show, sponsored by Catering Works.

This show is written by the same authors that wrote Dearly Departed, the hit of University Theatre's season last year. Plan on getting your tickets now, in case they sell-out again!

The Frank Thompson building continues to undergo its renovations. We still plan on opening the doors next spring and hope there won't be any hiccups along the way!

The staff is already planning for next season and we hope to get back to our regular number of shows and really take advantage of our new spaces!

Be sure to stay updated by checking out our website www.ncsu.edu/theatre.