The arts specialty plate has taken front and center in our advocacy efforts the last two weeks as the Senate and House debate revenue sources and the budget remains in limbo. Thank you to all who have responded to recent Call to Action messages.
We are close to a breakthrough on the arts license plate but we need you to help us gather persuasive data. ARTS North Carolina would like to demonstrate support for the arts plate through an email survey. Take a look and please tell us if you are interested in having this plate by a simple email to licenseplate@artsnc.org We will compile the numbers and take our report to the Legislature as soon as possible, so please act now. Just include your affirmative response, your name and address, and your email information. Be one of the first to receive information on plate sales when the legislation is passed. Your response in no way obligates you to buy the plate.
We want The Creative State on 100,000 cars before Christmas. Think of the visibility our plate can create for all the arts. Imagine the sustaining revenue and what we, your advocacy organization, could accomplish with substantial plate sales - statewide arts marketing, better networking and communications, arts education advocacy, reinstatement of Professional Consulting Services, local "on the ground" advocacy training and support, the beginnings of a trust for facility development...the options and potential revenue are unlimited!
Please forward this to colleagues, friends, and family who would want our arts specialty plate and personally ask them to respond. The more people interested, the stronger the case.
Live Expectantly. Be Prepared. Take Action.
Karen WellsARTS North Carolina108 S. Blount StreetRaleigh, NC 27601919-834-1411karen@artsnc.orghttp://capwiz.com/artsusa/nc/utr/1/NJIWKWNQRV/EGCEKWNTHA/3654118756