Friday, November 19, 2010

This week in pictures - Nov. 15 - 21

Hello everyone. It is the end of yet another week and so much has been happening! Let's just dive right in to the pictures...

A normal trip for Ellie over to the offices at Talley Student Center:
Key? Check.
Signed time sheets? Check.
Severed head? Check.

Out with the old and in with the new!
Our cases for A Piece of my Heart have been cleaned out but replaced with beautiful items from the Crafts Center (shameless plug, Holiday Craft Fair Saturday, Nov. 20).

A sneak peek at the Inspecting Carol set.
If I had known there was chocolate involved, I would have done this much sooner...

My favorite is the garland. It looks even better when it is lit!

Anything that involves a fake turkey leg is a winner in my book.
I found this one on the props shelf backstage.


Mmmm, opening night cake. Can't beat it!
I guess this is where I should mention that Inspecting Carol opened last night.
You are in for many laughs and a good dose of holiday spirit, both of which I was need of.

The director cutting the cake...

The natives were getting restless.

Inspecting Carol runs November 18 - 21 and December 1 - 5
with a $10 community night on Wednesday, Dec. 1
(it will also involve some holiday treats at intermission!).

Here's to next week...

Friday, November 5, 2010

This week in pictures - Nov. 1 - 5

It's that time again, the weeks seem to be flying by faster than Scrooge can say "Ba Hum Bug!" Sorry, my mind is set on Inspecting Carol already.

We have had a really great week that has included many opportunities for the students and our surrounding community.

Last week, Shirley Lauro, playwright of A Piece of my Heart spent several days with University Theatre. Last Thursday she spent time with the staff and audience members for a lovely opening night reception. Friday, she sat and spoke with some of the Arts Village residents (you can catch a clip on our Facebook page).

After Friday night's performance, Shirley sat down with the cast, director (Terri Janney), and our Assistant Director (Allison Bergman), to speak on her experiences with this show and its relevance still today. Here's a shot from the post show:

On Sunday, the University Theatre staff, cast and crew all enjoyed brunch with Shirley and her husband, Lou, who has his own interesting stories as a Forensic Psychologist!

On Tuesday, a hand-full of our students enjoyed a Meisner workshop with Jason Peck. I didn't capture any pictures, but I'm sure some of the techniques would have made some great candids!

The staff here is sad that this is the last weekend for the run of A Piece of my Heart. I know I've pushed it before, but it has become one of my top-rated University Theatre shows, I highly recommend it!

However, things keep truckin' along here and the staff is already moving their attention to Inspecting Carol and Urinetown, even!

I'm trying my hand with my new toy (see picture below), now I just need to find the perfect moment to corner some students...

Here's to next week...