Friday, December 17, 2010
This week in pictures
The time of year when unseasonably cold weather stops the world (or at least North Carolinians).
The time of year when APO (our theatre fraternity) and MBP (our music fraternity) shares their singing chops during the holiday season:
This is where I usually say: "Here's to next week" but, I will be out of the office and back the first of January, so, here's to then...
Friday, December 10, 2010
This week in pictures
From University Theatre's Make Up Design Class:
Friday, November 19, 2010
This week in pictures - Nov. 15 - 21
Key? Check.
Signed time sheets? Check.
Severed head? Check.
Our cases for A Piece of my Heart have been cleaned out but replaced with beautiful items from the Crafts Center (shameless plug, Holiday Craft Fair Saturday, Nov. 20).
If I had known there was chocolate involved, I would have done this much sooner...
I found this one on the props shelf backstage.
I guess this is where I should mention that Inspecting Carol opened last night.
You are in for many laughs and a good dose of holiday spirit, both of which I was need of.
with a $10 community night on Wednesday, Dec. 1
(it will also involve some holiday treats at intermission!).
Here's to next week...
Friday, November 5, 2010
This week in pictures - Nov. 1 - 5
We have had a really great week that has included many opportunities for the students and our surrounding community.
Last week, Shirley Lauro, playwright of A Piece of my Heart spent several days with University Theatre. Last Thursday she spent time with the staff and audience members for a lovely opening night reception. Friday, she sat and spoke with some of the Arts Village residents (you can catch a clip on our Facebook page).
After Friday night's performance, Shirley sat down with the cast, director (Terri Janney), and our Assistant Director (Allison Bergman), to speak on her experiences with this show and its relevance still today. Here's a shot from the post show:
On Sunday, the University Theatre staff, cast and crew all enjoyed brunch with Shirley and her husband, Lou, who has his own interesting stories as a Forensic Psychologist!
On Tuesday, a hand-full of our students enjoyed a Meisner workshop with Jason Peck. I didn't capture any pictures, but I'm sure some of the techniques would have made some great candids!
The staff here is sad that this is the last weekend for the run of A Piece of my Heart. I know I've pushed it before, but it has become one of my top-rated University Theatre shows, I highly recommend it!
However, things keep truckin' along here and the staff is already moving their attention to Inspecting Carol and Urinetown, even!
I'm trying my hand with my new toy (see picture below), now I just need to find the perfect moment to corner some students...
Here's to next week...
Friday, October 29, 2010
This week in pictures - Oct. 25 - 29
A look at the set for A Piece of my Heart. My pictures don't do it justice, especially without capturing the lighting which adds so much to the story.
Don't forget that Inspecting Carol is already underway as well! Here's my feeble attempt at a panoramic series from the director's table in the audience. If you have read the play or seen the show before, you know this set has to accomplish a magical feat at the end, so I'm sure we have a lot more in store from our amazing staff and students who have designed and built it all.
We have a few more fun events with Shirley Lauro and we will be sure to have a camera around for these!
Here's to next week...
Monday, October 25, 2010
This week in pictures Oct. 18 - 22
Rehearsals have begun for Inspecting Carol and Urinetown auditions are on the horizon!
But, here are some other things spotted this week:
Friday, October 15, 2010
This week in pictures - Oct. 11 - 18
Hi everyone,
Friday has come too fast - it's probably a combination of midterms and planning for the amazing special events we have lined up for A Piece of my Heart!
I wasn't able to capture pictures of everything this week, but we had some great stuff happening!
Monday and Tuesday were auditions for Inspecting Carol. The cast list can be found here.
Thursday Aquila Theatre hosted a physical theatre workshop for NC State students. Here's a peek:
Here's to next week...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Spring 2011 University Theatre classes
University Theatre has a slew of courses we are offering this Spring including:
COM 103 Intro. to Acting
COM 293 Theatre Practicum
COM 298 Costume Construction and Application
COM 323 Intro. to Scenic Design
COM 333 Advanced Acting
ARS 333 Intro. to Costume Design and Technology
ARS 352 Dress, Style, Change
We are pleased to be adding some new courses along with a full slate of offerings you may have been looking forward to taking previously!
Be sure to log in to your portal to check out the details of each course and when they will be offered.
See you around the building!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Announcements and This week in Pictures!
I hope all of the students out there are enjoying their fall break!
The first thing I wanted to bring up was our two workshops that are quickly approaching. Both are FREE and open to all NC State students, no matter your previous experience. There is still room left in both! All you have to do is sign up and show up at the right time and place!
Here's the scoop:
Aquila Theatre (more information here: Physical Theatre Masterclass, October 14, 2010, Titmus Theatre, 3:30pm - 5pm, availability: 8 - 10 students. Please register with
This masterclass is designed to allow participants to experience the requirements and disciplines of working and performing in a physical theatre company. It focuses on forming an ensemble style of acting that will interpret and serve the text as a whole. By sharing some of the Aquila Theatre Company’s rituals, in the form of movement and vocal exercises, the participant will explore the imaginative and physical resources that the company uses in order to create its own unique theatrical style.
Meisner Acting Workshop with Jason Peck, November 2, 2010, Rehearsal Hall, 4:30pm - 6:30pm, availability: 10 - 15 students. Please register with
What do Tom Cruise, Robert DeNiro, Diane Keaton, Anne Hatheway, Jack Nicholson, Michelle Williams, Jim Carrey, Steve Carrell, and Sandra Bullock all have in common? They were all trained using the Sanford Meisner Acting Technique. One of the most important tools for any actor is the ability to "be present." Through a series of unique exercises and an intense exploration of Sanford Meisner’s infamous repetition work, we will explore what it means to "be in the moment," and to be true to the inner impulses which guide us. Join us for class taught by award winning actor and certified master Meisner teacher, Jason Peck (Roswell, In Her Shoes, NYPD Blue, The King of Queens), as he ignites passion and opens hearts and minds to what true and honest acting is all about. There are many acting techniques that offer tools to analyze a script or help to mold a character, but the Meisner Technique, taught in many university acting conservatories and programs, is different in that it begins with "you." Please wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing. Be prepared for intensive deep work that will yield breakthroughs and challenge your thoughts on what acting can be.
These are both amazing and unique opportunities, sign up today!
This week in pictures:
The Medal of Arts Awards (Directed by John McIlwee) included a performance by our Twelfth Night
cast and included awards given to NC State's very own Banks Talley and J, Mark Scearce!
Auditions for Inspecting Carol will be Monday, October 11th and Tuesday, October 12.
Signs that it is fall break:
no students (and I can actually find a parking spot outside the building)...
no students... anywhere.
And, an empty white board. :(
Happy fall break and we will see you Monday.
Here's to next week...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Fee information! (and a sneak peek of Twelfth Night)
I am condensing my blog this week because I am headed to the Big Apple!
It is that time of year to talk about the Student Center Operations fee. Each year the student center appeals to the Fee Review Committee about any fee increases that will take place in future years. These fees are the main source of funding for ARTS NC State. They operate University Theatre including programming and staffing. Our budget comes from the Student Center Operations Fee and we ask you to support this fee if you feel you are able.
What we are asking of you is simple. On October 1, 2010 keep an eye out for the "Services Satisfaction Survey" that will be posted online. Please take a moment to answer this survey. It is short and sweet and should only take a minutes of your time. The UT staff will try to send out a reminder once it goes live.
This fee benefits the campus community and especially those who participate with ARTS NC State in any capacity.
Twelfth Night
Knowing that I was going to be out during the run of Twelfth Night, I utilized by best sleuthing skills to get a sneak peek of it all coming together (plus, I got to see it in action last night: beautiful and lots of laughs).
Here's some of what I found:
Here's to next week...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Jason Cooper is a Junior in Interpersonal Communication/Public Relations. His most current role is Feste/Fool/Clown in Twelfth Night.
Soon after auditions, the cast of Twelfth Night had the opportunity to participate in a Shakespeare workshop with Patrick Tansor of Children's Theatre of Charlotte. Jason gives his account of the workshop:
-Patrick Tansor, Actor & Teacher
While many other college students were out spending their Friday night with friends at the movie theater, cookout, nightclub, or friend’s house- the cast of Twelfth Night was learning more about Shakespeare!
A three hour workshop at Thompson Theater on Friday night was led by Patrick Tansor, a Carnegie Mellon colleague of Allison Bergman (UT’s Assistant Director) He first began by complementing University Theater on the “conservatory” space that is provided to the students. “Guys, you have a state-of-the-art teaching, performance, & rehearsal space that is pretty much a conservatory for your theater program!” said Patrick Tansor. What an honor to have someone that knows the theater world so well & is even a member of the Actors Equity Association to appreciate our “home”!
Currently a theater teacher at a Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, Patrick has been in a myriad of Shakespeare works throughout his acting career. Oddly enough, Patrick has never worked on Twelfth Night. I’m sure you are now wondering why Patrick is giving a workshop to us! Patrick’s purpose was to not direct the show, but to help us understand how to better understand & read Shakespeare material. He shared with us an awesome quote that one of his greatest mentors, Lori Orion, said to him once: “I don’t care what you ‘think’ you should sound like…I want to hear who you are”. When people think Shakespeare, they suddenly begin speaking in a British accent & start sounding really proper. The problem is that this language is not spoken these days & many actors fear to touch Shakespeare. Patrick was there to help us see that every character has his own story & that character can be completely different from any other person that has ever played that role. Shakespeare “ain’t easy”, but he was so glad to see that we are tackling it!
Patrick brought so many materials to share with us from books on Shakespeare to packets of information that he had prepared himself. We did not even touch the scripts during the first hour; we instead went back to the basics of hearing & speaking Shakespeare. We learned rhythms, meanings of punctuations in a line, short lines, split lines, quarks, what is in a verse, dramatic pauses & so much more. When an actor knows that a comma means a drop in or a colon means you are listing something, it truly helps the actor’s line read.
We then got up on our feet to do a series of exercises that the cast found to be a lot of fun! These exercises helped us control our breathing and learn to really listen to one another on stage. It is funny how just by listening to your scene partner you will know how to reply. I was able to witness scenes that sounded like people had no idea what they were saying, turn into something that could potentially be seen by an audience! Some of us did not have much time to analyze our scripts prior to the workshop, but we realized listening is the key to making a scene work.
The cast of Twelfth Night & I truly benefited from Patrick’s workshop. He helped UT take this show to another level. This workshop helped us all see something that we all ‘thought’ we were doing, listening to each other. Not only can we use these lessons in this show, but we can take the things we learned into every other show we do.
Thanks to NCSU University Theater, I am proud to say that I have a totally new respect for Shakespeare!
The quality of the resources that we have here at NCSU are unlike many others. Some theater schools do not even get the type of training & experiences that we have! I have grown so much from working with everyone here! The thing I love most about UT is that we are not a bunch of theater kids whose lives ARE theater. We all have plenty of other things that we could be doing, but theater is something that we all enjoy & carry within us. We come here to get away from that long day in the classroom. We come here to have fun! Here, you do not have to be afraid to make a fool of yourself & be judged. Here, you do not have to be in a show to be a part of the program. Here, you will explore yourself & all the aspects of the theater world! JOIN US!
I encourage all of you to come out & enjoy our Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night!
September 30 - October 3 @ 7:30pm
October 3 & 4 @ 2:30pm
919.515.1100 for tickets or
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Holy Blogosphere, Batman!
As I was perusing my hundreds of Google Reader updates (OK, so I don't check through it everyday...) I was finding very little that really captured my attention. If you look back at the blogs that I have recommended in the past you will see that there are a ton of theatre opportunities in the state. Everyone's seasons are in full swing. There are also opportunities to take action if you are into advocacy.
However, I was hoping for something more entertaining to catch my eye. I couldn't seem to escape the smattering of LiLo (Lindsay Lohan, just in case.) gossip but I did find one fun link you may also appreciate.
I took it and got 50 percent correct. Hey, we can't all be winners. Can you beat my score?