I am condensing my blog this week because I am headed to the Big Apple!
It is that time of year to talk about the Student Center Operations fee. Each year the student center appeals to the Fee Review Committee about any fee increases that will take place in future years. These fees are the main source of funding for ARTS NC State. They operate University Theatre including programming and staffing. Our budget comes from the Student Center Operations Fee and we ask you to support this fee if you feel you are able.
What we are asking of you is simple. On October 1, 2010 keep an eye out for the "Services Satisfaction Survey" that will be posted online. Please take a moment to answer this survey. It is short and sweet and should only take a minutes of your time. The UT staff will try to send out a reminder once it goes live.
This fee benefits the campus community and especially those who participate with ARTS NC State in any capacity.
Twelfth Night
Knowing that I was going to be out during the run of Twelfth Night, I utilized by best sleuthing skills to get a sneak peek of it all coming together (plus, I got to see it in action last night: beautiful and lots of laughs).
Here's some of what I found:
Command stations

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