Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Student Studio - Waiting for Godot

As is typical in the theater, one show closes and another opens. Just as the Never the Sinner set was taken apart and thrown lovingly into the dumpster, University Theatre begins to change gears again in order to present our Student Studio, Waiting for Godot.

Before we go into any existentialist babble, congratulations are due to the cast, crew and director of Never the Sinner. Their set may be in the landfill, but the haunting storyline and convincing acting are still lingering in the audience's minds. If you missed Never the Sinner, you certainly missed an experience that left the audience thinking and wanting more explaination. It was a heinous crime that seems to have been surprisingly forgotten. However, I have a feeling University Theatre's production of the show may have encouraged people to gather more information about the case, or at least to continue a dialogue analyzing the outrageous motivations for this crime.

If nothing else, you can catch pictures from the show on our website:

Moving from the sinister to the perplexing, University Theatre closes out its abbreviated season with a completely student-produced production of Waiting for Godot. The show will be presented in the Talley Student Center Ballroom from March 20 - 22, 2009. You can purchase your tickets at Ticket Central or by calling 919.515.1100. We look forward to ending our season with a focus on the students and looking towards our future in the new Frank Thompson Hall.

Be sure to stay with us as we make our transition and celebrate a new season, and a new building, with you.