Monday, August 18, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

It is a big week for the arts on campus... well, for everyone on campus!

Yesterday a large group of students from the Arts Village attended the musical Personals at the Kennedy Theatre. Afterward, there was a short talk-back session with the actors, director and even a couple of Tony winners in the audience. Overall, the students had a good time and the show was a success!

The Arts Village is a group of about 120 students housed in Turlington residence hall who are involved in or appreciate the arts. They attend several performance and exhibits, as well as take arts classes, to fulfill hours for academic credit. I encourage any students who are interested in the arts to check this out! It is a great way to be exposed to the arts on and off campus as well as begin to build a community of artists (and make the arts a priority!!) on NCSU's campus. The arts supporters on campus look forward to watching the Arts Village grow in the future.

University Theatre continues to get ready for its abbreviated season as the Frank Thompson building wraps up its renovation. We're also taking part in all of the fun activities going on to welcome students to the campus and encourage them to get involved! Today we will be lining Cates Avenue for the Cates Crawl and tomorrow we have the University Theatre/Craft Center open house to introduce students to our rehearsal space and craft studios.

I'll post pictures of these events this week!

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