Welcome to our Dr. Horrible mini-[blog]series!
Leading up to our student studio show, Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog we will be providing you with blogging insight, evil and entertainment... going light on the evil.I
EC: What has been your favorite part of the process so far?
BS: I've really enjoyed meeting the cast, everyone is really excited and things are moving forward.
ZS: I have really enjoyed starting rehearsals and working with the actors. Having rehearsals makes things feel like we are getting closer to the performance dates.
RS: So far it is collaborating with the other designers and working with the actors. Everyone is excited about the project which makes it so much easier and fun.
EC: How have the staff advisers [Jayme Mellema and Allison Bergman] been able to guide you?
BS: The staff have been amazingly helpful. They are helping us with the planning process and making sure that we are on track.
ZS: The entire University Theatre staff have been great to work along side with. They have been able to help us get the information we need while still allowing us, the students, to put everything together.
RS: They really help you to stay organized and gauge exactly what we can and cannot do. They want to see us succeed. Their doors are always open.
EC: How important has collaboration been between the three of you?
BS: The collaboration between Zac and Rob has is what makes me so excited to be a part of this production. We each have something special to bring to the table and together I feel like we will put together an awesome show.
ZS: We have been corresponding with each other a lot throughout the process. We have our own distinct jobs, but good communication between us has been a great advantage. We talk multiple times a day about Dr. Horrible in order to make decisions.
RS: Collaboration on this project is key. In fact, we have all had our hands in just about everything we are working on. It definitely helps weaken the work load for each of us.
EC: What advice do you have for those who may be interested in producing the student studio in the future?
BS: Get the ball rolling early. The student studio really is produced by the students, so it is up to you to start the process. Have fun with it, working with your peers in this type of a production is a truly unique experience.
ZS: 1. Start talking about it now with others who may be interested.
2. Plan ahead and make a calendar to follow.
3. Pick a play you know you will enjoy working on.
4. Have a super-duper, zippy-zang-zing, great, fun time with it!
RS: Work with people you get along with. Don't try to do it all on your own because there is a lot of stuff involved. Do a lot in the beginning so you aren't sprinting at the end.
and now...pictures!
Horrible scripts and music (see what I did there with "horrible"...)

The student studio team meets every week with the staff advisers.

Meeting of the minds.
I thought this constituted a "look at this ridiculously large conference table" shot.
I thought this constituted a "look at this ridiculously large conference table" shot.

....and from another angle!

Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog will be performed March 30 - April 1 at 7:30pm and 2pm (Sunday) in the Kennedy-McIlwee Studio Theatre in Thompson Hall. Tickets will be available at the door.
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